Friday, October 24, 2008

American Thinker, thank you

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The online news and opinion source American Thinker has just published a short essay of mine you might find of interest. The editor retitled it The Threat of Obama, originally called Thought Experiment. In part, it's a meditation on the significance of careful decision-making.

Here's the link to their main page:

You can also find American Thinker on my list of permanent links here.

A special thank you to Thomas Lifson and the staff and contributors at this high-quality publication.

While you are there, have a look at article The Supreme Court on the Ohio voting case, by Eileen McDevitt and Larrey Anderson. Both pieces are now archived under Special Features.

Brenda Giguere

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Karen Townsend said...

Here via American Thinker, a daily read for me. Terrific site here.

brenda cox giguere said...

Thank you, Karen. I appreciate your stopping by. I had to do *something* with all those hours usually spent sleeping peacefully, so I started writing about my 3 AM worries! :)