Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy New Year to all, and to all a good night

The last sunset of 1999, on the street where I live. A lifetime ago.

This will be this blog location's last post. You are invited to join me at my new blog, Beyond Hollywood. I've provided a link, to the left. Thank you.

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It has been a saving grace of this past year that I've met some amazing new friends here. I'm grateful to you all.

Be well, good people. I hope we can all keep believing in our republic and one another, throughout this new year and beyond.

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Incognito said...

Fabulous photo... Happy New Year to you and yours and your readers.
Blessings and best with your novel.

Incognito said...

P.S. let me know when you switch blogs.

brenda cox giguere said...

Thanks, friend, and I hope we all make our way through 2009 with renewed strength!

take care-
PS- sure, I'll let you know about the blog move thing. :)